About us

The Wye Valley CC consists of two wards, the villages of Tintern and Llandogo. Each of these wards has a number of Community Councillors (4 in Tintern and 3 in Llandogo) representing the interests of their ward but all representing both villages. The Councillors are shown below but, don't forget, you can contact any one of them regardless of the ward in which you live.

Photo of Councillor Angus Ashman
Angus Ashman
Wesley Cottage
NP16 6SE
landline phone 01291689322

Responsibility: Vice Chair, Planning, Finance and Tintern and Lower Wye Valley Building Preservation Trust

Photo of Councillor Stephen Evans
Stephen Evans
5 Parva Springs
NP16 6TY
mobile phone 07879815561

Responsibility: Web site & IT, Schools and Tintern Charities

Photo of Councillor Jamie Morrison
Jamie Morrison
Leytons Cottage
2 Lower Leytons
NP16 6SY
mobile phone 07815904363

Responsibility: Business Forum

Photo of Councillor Stephanie Shewell
Stephanie Shewell
NP16 6SF
landline phone 01291689590

Responsibility: Finance Committee, Tintern Charities, St Michael's Church, Complaints and Tintern Village Hall

Photo of Councillor Ian Mawdsley
Ian Mawdsley
The Retreat
NP25 4TD
landline phone 01594530012

Responsibility: Chair, Wye Valley Villages Project and Finance Committee

Photo of Councillor Lynne Parker
Lynne Parker
NP25 4TA
landline phone 01594530126

Responsibility: Finance Committee, Llandogo Village Hall, Complaints and Wye Valley Villages Project

Photo of Councillor Carla Snell
Carla Snell
NP25 4TW
landline phone 01594531314

Responsibility: Planning Llandogo, Llandogo Church and Llandogo Early Years

Clerk to the Council
Photo of Councillor Elizabeth Greatorex-Davies
Elizabeth Greatorex-Davies
The Poplars
NP16 6NP
landline phone 01291689861

Responsibility: Clerk to the Council

County Councillor
Photo of Councillor Ann Webb
Ann Webb
Home Farm
NP16 6QW
mobile phone 07816678948

Responsibility: County Councillor and Tintern Charities