Annual Report 2023/24

What we do Chair's report


Running a Community Council obviously costs money as well as the time and effort of your Community Councillors. The money we receive forms a very small part of your Council Tax (known as our precept) and our costs are shown below

Expenditure Budget Spend
Admin 7,100 5,839
Allowances 1,900 1,176
Audit 500 90
Business rates 500 0
Charities 100 100
Churchyards 1,500 1,500
Data protection 40 40
Estate 5,100 9,799
Events 1,000 1,550
Expenses 200 22
Grants 1,500 1,500
Insurance 3,300 3,373
Projects 5,000 6,180
Publications 550 484
Services 500 500
Subsciptions 250 315
Training 300 38
Totals 29,340 32,506