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Accounting statement

  Year Ending  
  31 March 2023 31 March 2024  
Statement of income and expenditure/receipts and payments
Balances brought forward £16,219 £18,962  
Income from local taxation/levy £32,510 £29,340  
Total other receipts £7,773 £8,741  
Staff costs £5,284 £6,657  
Loan interest/capital repayments 0 0  
Total other payments £32,255 £35,255  
Total other payments £32,255 £35,255  
Balance carried forward £18,962 £16,130  
Statement of balances
Debtors and stock balances 0 0  
Total cash and investments £18,962 £1,613  
Creditors 0 0  
Balances carried forward £18,962 £16,130  
Total fixed assets £354,673 £355,159
Trust funds disclosure note N/A